Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cheater Cheater French Fry Eater

Yeah so my daughter is not the only one to cheat...yesterday I ate french fries, they were baked, but still, not good. I also had a yogurt. I was craving something sweet. The bad thing is, I still lost half a pound...wonder what it would have been had I not cheated...grrrrr.

Iwent to the Dr. today for a check up, and the physical for my health program at work....totally didn't tell her I was doing this diet. Wonder if it's going to make a difference on my blood work....guess I should have mentioned it, but didn't want to catch any grief from her.

I know I'm not drinking enough water....I try and I try. The thing at work is it's not very convient to refill my water glass during the day. Maybe I should just take several bottles with me in the morning and then when I'm stuck at my desk I'll have them with me and won't have an excuse.

We need to start working in some exercising to this whole program, but I'm so dang tired all the time, and when I get home from work I don't want to do anything. Even today when I'm off all I want to do is crawl back in bed with a good book/kindle.

ps....i also had a few pieces of candy corn last night, i don't even like candy corn.....gross!!

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