Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yesterday was... hard. BUT(!) I didn't cheat!! Cue the cheering audience! (Whooooooooo!!!)

I'm fairly proud of myself. It was really hard, I even went out to eat with friends after work. Part of me felt silly sitting at Chili's, yes Chili's, only drinking a water and coffee. But I didn't cheat. The only thing I ate was the small remnants of C's salad. So it is all good.

Today I'm not going to cheat either. It's not going to happen. I am going to be a good little dieter. Ha ha, that sounds weird.

As of today my total weight loss is 8 pounds. After the pizza/soda fiasco I went up .4 pounds. So really, I could've been at a higher loss, but that's what I get for cheating. Still, eight pounds in five days? That's awesome! That's average 1.6 pounds a day. Ohh... I would LOVE to keep going at that rate. If I did I would be 63 pounds lighter! I would only have 37 pounds to lose to reach my goal of 135 pounds. That's probably just wishful thinking however, boo.

I need to start working out so that I'm not a Flabby McFlabberson after I lose all the weight. I especially need to start doing squats so that I can have a nice booty once this is all done with. Gotta look good in those jeans.

Just so everything is clear, I'm going this as a type of head start. Not as a cure. I don't think that after doing this that I can just eat whatever I want and just do this whenever I gain the weight back. I hoping this experience will teach me the difference between hunger and cravings. I've already experienced some of that with the cookies.

And the pizza.

And the soda.


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