Saturday, November 6, 2010

Okay, so this was meant to be a mother/daughter thing, but Mother's slacking a bit.

Have I mentioned that I'm a fail?
Apparently diets do NOT agree with me. Even knowing that I'm going to look smoking hot when all of this is done, I cheated. Thursday night, I had some cookies. Last night, a slice of pizza. And a soda.

AHHHH! I feel so bad. But I know that I shouldn't beat myself up. I just have to realize that it's that much longer I have to wait before I look the way I want to. Plus, going from eatting whatever you want to eatting next to nothing is hard. Really, really hard.

This was my menu today - minus the pizza and soda.

3.5oz chicken, grilled (one for lunch and one for dinner)
An apple
Half a cup of grapefruit
8 pieces of melba toast
A salad consisting of a cup of spinach and a cup of romaine lettuce with lemon juice dressing

See? It's hard. All I get to drink is water, which isn't actually too hard for me. Plus, I get coffee or tea in the mornings. If I want it. But tea is kind of weird, and coffee is only good if it has TONS of sugar in it. I don't know if the coffee or tea is really a factor. The HCG protocol says to have coffee or tea in the morning, but I'm not a coffee or tea drinker. I'm thinking that maybe that was why it was put in there, for the people that did normally drink someting like that in the morning. Plus, it's really hard for some people to go from lots caffine, either from soda or coffee, to none. Caffine is literally a drug and going without it puts people into withdrawel.

Today I have a total loss of 7.8 pounds. WHOO!

It's not helping the whole cheating thing that I'm still losing weight. If I stalled or even gained a tiny bit, it would make it easier to just stop. At least I would hope it would. I just need to suck it up! SUCK IT UP, ERIN!

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