Sunday, November 14, 2010

I did not cheat at all Friday or Yesterday. Okay, that's a white lie. I had ONE ravioli on Friday. But that was it! No cheating other wise.

And I guess as a reward I lost 6 pounds between both of those days. Totally weight loss as of today? 13 pounds. I've read that a lot of people weigh themselves everyday to see how they've done, but I don't ever think about it sometimes. Personally I think that's a good thing. From now on I'm only going to weigh once a week. Then, when I do finally weigh myself, it will be a big surprise as to how much I lost. Like a present to myself!

Christmas is coming up. (Don't worry, Thanksgiving, I haven't forgotten about you. Although I wish I could.)
41 days to be exact. I kind of want to get Trans-Siberian Orchestra Tickets for the five of us... Or whoever would want to come. It'd be really awesome. Maybe Mother-Dearest will see this and bring it up. ;P

The weather is so nice right now, I just love it. The air is crisp and occasionally frigid - perfect jacket or sweater weather. Perfect weather to curl up in bed and snooze the day away or read a good book. I just finished my last book, I need another one. :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Today has been much better, so far I've had half an apple this morning, the other half a chicken tender and some aspearagus just a few minutes ago. I'm still not drinking enough water, but I'm trying. Headed off to the store in a few minutes to restock the chicken and shrimp supply, also some lettuce. I feel very hungry today, but I'm being good. I wish I had remembered the effect the steroids would have on me. I guess I never really noticed before since I just ate all the the time anyway.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Yesterday was bad bad bad. I ate ate ate. It was mostly good stuff....just too much. We cooked some extra chicken so we would have it for today and tomorrow.....well, it's gone. I ate it, I also ate all the cottege cheese, several clemintines, some peanut butter, and a can of soup, oh yeah, and some corn dogs. It wasn't until around 10 that I realized "Hey....I wonder if those darn steriods the doc gave me today is making eat like this"..yes, I'm a little slow. I am not going to continue to take them.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cheater Cheater French Fry Eater

Yeah so my daughter is not the only one to cheat...yesterday I ate french fries, they were baked, but still, not good. I also had a yogurt. I was craving something sweet. The bad thing is, I still lost half a pound...wonder what it would have been had I not cheated...grrrrr.

Iwent to the Dr. today for a check up, and the physical for my health program at work....totally didn't tell her I was doing this diet. Wonder if it's going to make a difference on my blood work....guess I should have mentioned it, but didn't want to catch any grief from her.

I know I'm not drinking enough water....I try and I try. The thing at work is it's not very convient to refill my water glass during the day. Maybe I should just take several bottles with me in the morning and then when I'm stuck at my desk I'll have them with me and won't have an excuse.

We need to start working in some exercising to this whole program, but I'm so dang tired all the time, and when I get home from work I don't want to do anything. Even today when I'm off all I want to do is crawl back in bed with a good book/kindle.

ps....i also had a few pieces of candy corn last night, i don't even like candy corn.....gross!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I am a cheater.

A dirty, rotten, good-fer-nothing cheater.

I'm on my period. (TMI, much?) Which makes me crave EVERYTHING and anything it seems. UGH!

So basically, I've cheated everyday... except for that one day that I didn't. To add onto that, I totally got my weight loss count wrong and therefore don't feel so awesome. As of today I have lost 7 pounds. So, when I had previously mentioned losing 7.8... that was a lie.

That's what I do.

I cheat.

And I lie.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yeah so...this is supposed to be a mother/daughter blog...but the mother has no writing skills.

This whole HCG thing is hard, very hard. Especially for someone who doesn't like to plan things. I'm more of a go with the flow kinda person. I don't like to think about what I'm going to eat, I just want to eat. I guess that is how I ended up like I am now. Like my lovely daughter said, this is not a cure, it's just a jump start. So far I am down about 10 lbs, it's a good start. I don't think it will continue to come off so fast, but it didn't get on here over night, it's not going to come off over night. Just wish it came off as easy as it went on.
Yesterday was... hard. BUT(!) I didn't cheat!! Cue the cheering audience! (Whooooooooo!!!)

I'm fairly proud of myself. It was really hard, I even went out to eat with friends after work. Part of me felt silly sitting at Chili's, yes Chili's, only drinking a water and coffee. But I didn't cheat. The only thing I ate was the small remnants of C's salad. So it is all good.

Today I'm not going to cheat either. It's not going to happen. I am going to be a good little dieter. Ha ha, that sounds weird.

As of today my total weight loss is 8 pounds. After the pizza/soda fiasco I went up .4 pounds. So really, I could've been at a higher loss, but that's what I get for cheating. Still, eight pounds in five days? That's awesome! That's average 1.6 pounds a day. Ohh... I would LOVE to keep going at that rate. If I did I would be 63 pounds lighter! I would only have 37 pounds to lose to reach my goal of 135 pounds. That's probably just wishful thinking however, boo.

I need to start working out so that I'm not a Flabby McFlabberson after I lose all the weight. I especially need to start doing squats so that I can have a nice booty once this is all done with. Gotta look good in those jeans.

Just so everything is clear, I'm going this as a type of head start. Not as a cure. I don't think that after doing this that I can just eat whatever I want and just do this whenever I gain the weight back. I hoping this experience will teach me the difference between hunger and cravings. I've already experienced some of that with the cookies.

And the pizza.

And the soda.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Okay, so this was meant to be a mother/daughter thing, but Mother's slacking a bit.

Have I mentioned that I'm a fail?
Apparently diets do NOT agree with me. Even knowing that I'm going to look smoking hot when all of this is done, I cheated. Thursday night, I had some cookies. Last night, a slice of pizza. And a soda.

AHHHH! I feel so bad. But I know that I shouldn't beat myself up. I just have to realize that it's that much longer I have to wait before I look the way I want to. Plus, going from eatting whatever you want to eatting next to nothing is hard. Really, really hard.

This was my menu today - minus the pizza and soda.

3.5oz chicken, grilled (one for lunch and one for dinner)
An apple
Half a cup of grapefruit
8 pieces of melba toast
A salad consisting of a cup of spinach and a cup of romaine lettuce with lemon juice dressing

See? It's hard. All I get to drink is water, which isn't actually too hard for me. Plus, I get coffee or tea in the mornings. If I want it. But tea is kind of weird, and coffee is only good if it has TONS of sugar in it. I don't know if the coffee or tea is really a factor. The HCG protocol says to have coffee or tea in the morning, but I'm not a coffee or tea drinker. I'm thinking that maybe that was why it was put in there, for the people that did normally drink someting like that in the morning. Plus, it's really hard for some people to go from lots caffine, either from soda or coffee, to none. Caffine is literally a drug and going without it puts people into withdrawel.

Today I have a total loss of 7.8 pounds. WHOO!

It's not helping the whole cheating thing that I'm still losing weight. If I stalled or even gained a tiny bit, it would make it easier to just stop. At least I would hope it would. I just need to suck it up! SUCK IT UP, ERIN!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Started the HCG(google it if you really want to know) stuff yesterday. Therefore, Mother and I got to pig out all day. Fun stuff, right?

Except I wasn't super hungry, just normal hungry... slightly (what?).
But tomorrow the Very Low Calorie Diet(VLCD) starts. I am having a chicken salad with lemon juice and an apple for lunch. Not really sure about dinner yet.

I've only told two of my friends about this diet that I'm going on. One seems to think it's kind of exciting, because she knows that I really want to loose weight and look great (ha ha, rhymes!). The other... well she thinks it's kind of hokey and not safe, but she's not trying to be judgey. I am kind of worried that it IS hokey. I feel as if I'm getting my hopes up for nothing - an expensive nothing but nothing all the same. I didn't pay for it, Mother did. So... ha ha!

I took measurements and weighed myself yesterday. However, I didn't weigh today, didn't really think it would matter considering I was pigging out all day. Tomorrow I will weigh myself. Maybe it'll be a smaller number! WHOO!

Okay, for the sake of ... whatever, here's the measurements.

Weight : 234.0
Arms : Left, 16.75; Right, 16.75
Neck : 16
Chest : 48
Waist : 41.25
Stomach : 49
Hips : 18.5
Thighs : Left, 28.25; Right, 28.25
Calves : Left, 16.75; Right, 17.25
That's in pounds, then inches, JSYK.
I am a size 18/19 in pants, and L/XL in shirts.

I'm really excited to get down to a 12/13. C, the supportive friend, is going to give me some of her old jeans. They're MEKs. I know, right? Plus, she and I are going to go pantie shopping at VS whenever I get to my goal and need new underwear. XD

I feel really air headed right now, that's mostl likely because I'm tired.

Five til midnight! AHHHH, I need to go drink the last gulp of soda that I will have in about..... 42 days!